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ASC stands for Angled Screw Channel. Available for a wide variety of implant systems, it allows our technicians the freedom to change the angle of the screw-channcel. The ASC crown allows screw-retained restorations to be fabricated in indications where not previously possible.


The ASC Crown typically uses a titanium base and a special driver that allows for the screw channel to be angulated up to 25°. This means that anterior teeth where the screw access was coming out the facial can now be tilted lingually. For posterior cases, the screw access can be angled forward for ease of insertion.


While the screw channel is new, the materials are no different than the crowns we fabricate today. We are able to produce monolithic zirconia crowns as well as provide a facial cutback for enhanced esthetics.


Contact us for more information on this truly 21st century restoration.

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